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Worcester Energy is a municipal initiative intended to encourage residents, businesses, and institutions throughout the city to invest in energy efficiency and renewable energy.

We believe that knowledge is power and are committed to providing accessible, useful information to help guide your decisions. Please read on to learn how you can reduce energy use and your carbon footprint!

Did you know that an average household in Massachusetts uses 22% more energy and spends 22% more on energy ($2,500/year) than the national average household due to prolonged heating season in our climate? Learn more...

UPDATE: The City of Worcester does not currently offer municipal rebates or incentives toward energy efficiency or renewable energy projects (see more).

Below you will find information about available utility, state, and federal rebates and incentives and other topics of interest.

Mass Save® and Energy Efficiency

The most effective way to save on energy costs is to reduce how much energy you use.

Did you know that more than 9,000 free Home Energy Assessments have been completed for Worcester residents during the past four years? Getting an assessment is a great way to learn more about your home and ways to improve its energy efficiency and performance. Click here for information about scheduling such a visit and to learn about available incentives for insulation and efficient heating systems for your home!

$$$ Energy Efficiency Rebates and Incentives $$$

Mass Save®'s Rebates and Incentives for Massachusetts residents and businesses funded by the surcharges on the rate payers' bills!

DSIRE - Database of State Incentives for Renewables & Efficiency is a comprehensive source of information (organized by states) on incentives and policies that support renewable energy and energy efficiency in the United States. Established in 1995, DSIRE is operated by the N.C. Clean Energy Technology Center at N.C. State University and is funded by the U.S. Department of Energy. 

National Grid - Energy Efficiency Incentives and Rebates for residents and businesses.

GasNetworks Energy Efficiency Program provides significant rebates for space and water heating equipment (such as boilers and furnaces) that is fueled by natural gas. Residents are referred to this Program from Mass Save® website as well.

ENERGY STAR®: Learn how higher efficiency ENERGY STAR® labeled appliances can save you money on your electric or gas bill. Also, use the Rebate Finder to help you locate special offers/rebates/credits based on your location and utility provider.

Energy and Cost Saving Tips

Learn about resources listing available energy efficiency incentives as well as simple steps you can take to reduce your energy bills.

Solar for Your Home - Tips & Resources

Federal and Massachusetts' incentives have been very generous over the last several years, spurring unprecedented growth of the solar industry in the state. In 2014 for example, the solar capacity in Massachusetts grew by 51%. Solar energy is more profitable than ever.

Did you know that currently there are already approximately 350 residential solar systems in Worcester? Are you curious about a solar photovoltaic system on your roof? 

In general, there are two main options for homeowners: the outright purchase of a solar system (via cash or a loan) OR allowing a company to install their solar panel system on your roof, also known as 3rd party ownership.

Learn about those options and read about four Worcester solar projects (including project costs, incentives and out-of-pocket costs).

Green Electricity - How Much Does It Really Cost?

Renewable electricity helps to reduce U.S. dependence on foreign oil and is clean, unlike electricity produced from conventional source of electricity which emits air pollutants and greenhouse gas emissions. Additionally, using renewable energy signals to the political and business decision makers that consumers want clean, renewable electricity.

Did you know that under current state regulations, as of 2015, 12% of your electricity is already produced from renewable sources of energy (with 7% more coming from waste and alternative renewable energy)? Click here to learn more.

Due to the growth of renewables market and Massachusetts' 1997 law restructuring how consumers choose their electricity supply, you now have more options than ever to choose the source, type and cost of your electricity. This section will provide you with resources on how to shop around for electrical supply, with an emphasis on renewable electricity.

Waste and Recycling in Worcester

Worcester currently recycles approximately 32% of its waste-stream (excluding yard-waste). The City encourages recycling by requiring purchase of yellow trash bags (pay-as-you-throw) to dispose of trash, while picking up recycling materials for free.